Recent Puppies
Alice and Thorne had a their second litter of puppies on January 4, 2017. We currently have 3 males and 3 females available. Call or text to reserve your puppy - 435-851-7191.
We also have a started 4 month old border collie male from Raie and Thorne's litter available.
Whelping environment
I have been studying Scott Lithgow's breeding and training methods for nearly a decade now, and have implemented much of his advice in the raising of these puppies.
We have a whelping box with heat lamps constructed in our barn in which allows our dams to whelp and raise the puppies in relative seclusion for the first 3 weeks. They are surrounded by the noise and smells of livestock, and are able to bond and learn from their mother in a low stress environment.
We also have a vet check them over at 5 days old.
We also have a vet check them over at 5 days old.
When the pups reach 3 weeks old, we begin socializing them for short periods daily, with both familiar and unfamiliar adults and children. At 5 weeks old, they will be exposed to more noises and experiences near animals, vehicles and equipment that will be a part of their future working environment. At 6 weeks, they will receive their full set of shots and a vet checkup. At 8 weeks, they begin daily 'obedience' training sessions, learning skills such as sit, come, steady and that will do.
Call or text Christian Olsen at (435)851-7191 to reserve a puppy from a future litter, or for more information.